This is the story of us getting aboard and our life on a 52 foot cruiser style narrowboat called Gracie
Sunday, 22 December 2013
NB Gracie - Our First Christmas Aboard
Our turn from the Macclesfield Canal onto the Peak Forest Canal, six weeks ago - since then, we had 10 days without power due to the starter motor breaking down and it having to go to Stoke to be mended in a specialist machine shop - we joined RCR (the AA of the canal) who managed to fix it for us but of course it still cost money! We had 2 weeks in Strines, about a mile outside Marple; which meant we weren't too far from the Elsan Point)to empty the toilet) and water. The downside was no electricity and therefore no pump to pump water out of the tank, so we (well mainly Chris) had to walk to Marple every two days for water). Once fixed, we winded and went to Marple for the weekend, whilst there, Father Christmas arrived
On the Sunday, the coalboat, NB Alton arrived and we got coal; after which, we set off for Furness Vale (about a four hour trip) - to get there, you do two lift bridges and 2 swing bridges. We went through the first lift bridge OK, the coal boat had gone through not an hour before and it wouldn't lift! I shifted some leaves and mud from around the hinge, but it still wouldn't move - by now, Chris had arrived on Gracie and another boater arrived and gave me the number for CaRT (Canal and River Trust) for them to come; we moored up; Chris made tea and we waited. Then someone else arrived and we walked to see if there was anything we missed. One of the chains was a bit loose, so Chris jumped up and down on the bridge and lo and behold, it started to move! So after half an hour, we were once again on our way - I spent five minutes getting a huge dollop of mud out of the hinge though. So onwards; by now it was starting to get late and there was the most glorious sunset; but we were not quite at Furness Vale Marina nor at the last swing bridge at the start. Just before, are some good moorings and there was a space, but Chris said we'd keep going - I was walking the towpath with the dogs; we did the last swing bridge and by now the sun had set. We have a favourite mooring quite near Furness Vale Train Station (About a five minute walk away) and we got there as it was going dark; in fact Chris couldn't see me it was so dark. We moored up and I started to make tea when NB Alton passed us - Nightboating on the coallboat!
We decided that if we could, we would go up to Whaley Bridge for Christmas and New Year (Bugsworth isn't open this year as they have drained it for repairs) and all week, Chris had been walking up to the Basin to check (taken at the beginning of November)
SO we set off on Friday - the dogs love cruising
and we do too.
We winded and got water and slotted in right behind a friend's boat; who is away for Christmas and so it is good we are here - we are debating getting a mooring along here and will investigate that.
We have been trying to get to Stockport all weekend to deliver cards etc; however, wahing in a twin tub takes time and then the coal boat arrived just as we were getting ready to go on the train, ne and Ann-Marie McGuigan from NB Alton gunnel dancing with the coal and a bottle of ale called "Gunnel Dancer"!
So may we take the opportunity to wish all a very Merry Christmas, Seasons Greetings and a Happy New Year and we haven't a tree - just a Spacey Gracie
Sunday, 17 November 2013
Three Month Anniversary
Originally, we had planned on a marina life but this felt too much like a horizontal towerblock and they didn't like dogs - moral of story - if you have a dog don't moor at Macclesfield Marina (next to Hovis Mill).
We have had an invertor fitted to generate 240 volt electricity and if you want work done; we can certainly recommend that marina. We will get solar panels fitted early next year; which will mean we don't have to run the engine when we run the washing machine (finally purchased last week - a twin tub). We have had a cratch cover out on the bow and a dodger and tonneau on the stern; which gives us a dining room/porch and a storage area when not cruising.
We get coal, diesel and pretty much everything else from the coal boat, NB Alton, fortnightly and although during the winter we will use a lot of coal; next summer we hope to be able to get some wood and this will save that cost. We have to get Gracie blacked and get a licence. We are joining the association of Continuous Cruisers as well as the National Boat Owners Association.
We are now meeting other liveaboards that live on these canals; old travellers - canals now being the only place left you can legally travel and stop for 14 days before moving on. Some are, like us, relatively new to canal life; but others have lived and worked on here for years. The canals are pretty empty now and peaceful - it is the start of the long winter nights and we are going to enjoy our first winter aboard.
It should be interesting over the coming weeks as it appears we might experience our first ice and snow - bring it on!
As we are moored in Marple; I took a walk up to Marple Ridge today - what a lovely view - if you get a chance - walk up to the church from the Brick Bridge just past Marple Marina and walk the Apprentices Walk through and up to the church
Saturday, 2 November 2013
Bonfire Night
Here we are between Halloween and Guy Fawkes. - All Saint's Day seems to pass people by and the weather is truly autumnal. Took the dogs shopping today ; there are lovely local shops in Whaley Bridge and their favourite has to be Wild's Butchers- they sit nicely outside because they know there'll be bones and they'll get a treat - today a sheep heart between them and a huge bone each to take home! Got dome lovely steak for braising which is on the stove marinating for dinner tomorrow.
Now; it's blowing a gale with rain and we're toasty warm with the cratch cover and stove!
Bought a pair of sheepskin boots each from the tannery in Pandora, Napier; New Zealand - brilliant for on the boat . We are getting there slowly!_
Friday, 25 October 2013
Living in the State of Gracie
We enter our third week of official continuous Cruising; having spent a lovely week in Whaley Bridge and continuing our theme of shopping locally where we can; found the most fabulous butchers and pet shop. We notice that people are more relaxed out of the cities - do they have more time? I don't think so; they just use it in a different way - we are so lucky to be living this life, it is so much more gentle - canal time!
Friday, 18 October 2013
The New Cratch Cover
We have finally had the Cratch Cover; Dodger & tonneau fitted - We knew it would make a difference, but had no idea how much until yesterday. Cover-It fitted it and also built a drop-down table, so we can use the well as a small dining room & sitting area. The window is immense & provides a stunning view out through the bow; but it is the tonneau that has caused us the most excitement! We now have a tent on the stern and so a huge storage area, sheltered from the elements,
Saturday, 12 October 2013
The Cratch Cover
This week they are coming to fit the cover/board/Dodger & tonneau in stone - cannot wait as we will finally have cover on the bow & a cover for the stern. We're travelling pinto Whaley Bridge so Chris can move Gracie to Bugsworth Basin on Wednesday so they can get close with the van - it'll be nice to be able to have our meals at a proper table again as they are also fitting a drop down table to the cratch board.
Continuously Cruising
We have decided to give notice at Macclesfield Canal Centre and continuously cruise - this is comparatively easy to do around here & still enable me to go to work four days a week, we came up to Marple on Friday and decided that we won't be returning to Macclesfield any time soon - moral of story - listen to Chris's inner voice and buy a PO Box number. We are currently moored on the Peak Forest Canal just down from Marple Canal Basin
Saturday, 28 September 2013
Bollington on the Macclesfield Canal
Thursday, 15 August 2013
Thursday, 8 August 2013
Friday 16th August 7:30pm £3/£1
Radisson Hotel, Peter Street, Manchester
On the 16 August 2013 - we start a new life aboard Gracie - we remember those that died to give us the freedom which this present government is fast taking away from people; when will people wake up? Your rights at work are being stripped away - did the people at Peterloo die in vain - I fear so, as people sleep-walk into a fascist state
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
So now clearing house big style.
We have given CD's away and I have four crates of books to take to work for them to sell for charity; we have found a home for the kettle and toaster and tonight we took the NZ flax and the jasmine to our niece to put in her new garden she has planted. (We have permanent visiting rights now!). i am being ruthless in the kitchen - not used something for three months goes!
It is a strange time - saying goodbye to one phase of life and waiting to start the next phase I suppose.
It is said the universe conspires to make things happen when you decide to do something; I have always found the Lord does that - I have faith that everything will be OK; there are (and have been times when I have been very down and of course when I look back, there will be just the one set of footprints in the sand) times when all seems bleak, but it always turns out for the best, you just let things happen and if you have faith it is always OK (of course, sometimes you don't know that until later!)
Saturday, 27 July 2013
Now to start seriously downsizing the kitchen - am doing a car boot tomorrow and next week and that will be our lot before we move (I have also mucho trips to the tip to get in!)
Chris has had a busy week - last week, he was in Norway
as you can see, it was a beautiful location and he had a lovely time! On Thursday, we had some good news - the kidney stone has disappeared, so now to concentrate on the pain; although it might be better to do that once we have moved GP's.
We are getting quite excited now - just want the next three weeks to be over and we are away to our new liife!.
Interesting story in the Daily mail yesterday (I don't normally read it, but there was a stroy about people moving aboard a narrowboat - not a good liveaboard IMHO, stove not in the middle of the boat and little storage - they also don't have solar panels and as for CC, I think they might have put themselves on the Canal and River Trust's radar! (You need to keep a log and be constantly moving in an onward direction to qualify - I wonder if they know that?)
Thursday, 18 July 2013
The weather is still hot and sunny - I am on leave today to dog-sit! We are going out again shortly to take the afternoon air and for the dogs to have a dip in the Bridgewater Canal
Chris is back Sunday and then it is one appointment after another with hospital, ATOS etc
Sunday, 14 July 2013
A note on the spiritual aspect of our journey - we put our faith in what we were doing was right and that all would work out - I have always found this in my life; you just need the faith that the Lord has you safe and if you put your trust in Him, everything will be OK. A lot of people think this is quite bizarre; however, everything happens for a reason and we don't know the grand plan (I always say it's because He doesn't want to scare me!); but if you have faith it will all be OK in the end - it is hard to see the rightness of any decision when you are at the bottom of the hill - you need to get to the mountain-top; look back and see how it unfolded.
You always have the choice of course not to follow His path; but I have found (through bitter experience) that when I didn't do that things were pretty bad - although He has always ensured that at the end, once I got back on the path with Him, that it worked - there are many times in my life where, when I look back, there will be just the one set of footprints in the sand and for that I thank the Lord for ensuring I found Him in me. In the end that is what it is all about - finding God within yourself and behaving in that way - whatever religion you have or follow.
Peace be with you all (and in the UK) in what will be the hottest day of the year so far they tell us - 34C - i can live with that - I hope it is still warm when we get onto Gracie!
Saturday, 13 July 2013
This will give us the extra room we will need to dry wet dogs, as well as the ability to go under the bridges on the Macclesfield Canal (low,so you need to fold the hood down)
We have the contract signed ready to drop off at the solicitors and now we await a completion date after the 10th August - i hope the weather holds whilst we bring Gracie up from Chester to Macclesfield - although rain would be truly a baptism - in more ways than one!
Chris is excited to go to Norway next weekend for Theresa (his youngest daughter) and Steven's wedding - the ceremony is in a place called Valle and looks beautiful - they are marrying in the open air next to the lake called Honnevje (resting place) and then using a farmhouse called a Nomelandshus. The forecast for the wedding is 24C & sunny and it looks as though Chris is going to have warm weather while he is there. I wish I was going; but when we booked it we hadn't sold the house and logisitics of cats/dogs and selling a house was a bit much - we have agreed that Steven and Theresa will come here for a holiday and we will repeat the wedding for the family here!
Then we have the delights of an ATOS Assessment ( so the govt will continue to pay his MI Stamp) and hospital appointments on his return to see if they can get rid of the kidney stone using Lithotripsy to break the stone up in his left kidney and so that he can start life on the boat with a little more energy. At present, he struggles to walk anywhere or do anything - although yesterday he made a fruit cake and it is very nice!
Things to do before we move
- downsize the kitchen - do we NEED 3 casserole dishes!
- go through the cupboard in the dining room
- do car boot sales - we have stuff stored in a garage so will get that gone
- find homes for furniture or arrange to take to the tip (not much left - bed, chest of drawers, dining table and 2 settees)
Links below:
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
We cannot get her until the middle of August as her owners are away visiting family; but as we have signed the contract and the Deed of Title today; we feel as though it is moving apace and we are counting the weeks now - the light at the end of the tunnel isn't a train coming towards us anymore!
So, the next few weeks will be busy - Chris is off to his youngest daughter's wedding in Norway next week; then he has the ATOS medical to see if they will continue to pay his stamp (no benefits, but still has to go for a medical - this Government is insane). Following that, he has three Lithotripsy appointments to go to; plus we have to unpack, take out half of our stuff, sell it and then repack - a bit like an extended holiday!
Should find out the date for completion soon - I just hope this wonderful weather holds out, so we get a few nice weeks to start our new life.
The dogs love swimming in the Bridgewater - Shiva's favourite game is to to drop his ball in the canal and dive in to get it out! So, we have booked a company who will fit a cratch cover, fold-down table and pram hood and then we had an e-mail yesterday to say there is a 52 foot mooring coming up in Macclesfield (right near the train station) so with a bit if luck, we will be living in Macclesfield from September.
Maybe, we will see you "on the cut"
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
Monday, 25 March 2013
we went shopping today, for those that know Chris, this is a one off - we bought him a mobile phone and a notebook (a nexus), plus a MiFi unit for Gracie - very 21C! I looked for new quilts but decided to wait until we are settled and get a new one then.
the washing machine, table, chest of drawers and wardrobe goes tomorrow - Leanne came round tonight to pick up old photos and there was general oohs and aahhs over old stuff - which reminds me, I have their (hers and Fiona's time capsules from 2000 - DO NOT THROW AWAY!
I looked at the kitchen tonight and there seems to still be so much stuff - loads of tip trips tomorrow I think!
G (gracie) minus 3
Took the rugs and the wall hanging to a friend's last night - Washing machine, computer table, computer, double bed & dining table go tonight - house slowly emptying - trips to the tip today and youngest is coming round to help (how to tell I found more photos!)
So busy washing the last few things ahead of no washing machine. Will get a MiFi unit today and a new phone for Chris - then there is the rest of the clothes to clear and sort as well as the last of the books. Then the dining room cupboard plus the bedroom to finish packing - entire life now in boxes - will seem strange to leave this house after 30 years - all the children left home.
A new adventure beginning - the weather here is sunny and we haven't the snow, although I believe where Gracie is moored they have had quite a bit - that should make our first days interesting - there were lots of boats on the Bridgewater Canal yesterday - I think, hat, coat, gloves and scarves are going to be essential - the wind is a piercing lazy northerly, so bitterly cold although not frosty. Wind chill is about -6C - great for getting rest of washing dry!
Saturday, 23 March 2013
It is still trying to snow here - going to Stockport Market later - this will be the thing - we won't have a freezer (although the weather outside means we can probably store things outside and they'll freeze anyway!)
A shot of Shiva posing to finish

Friday, 22 March 2013
The State of Gracie
Anyway, in the meantime we had numerous views; however, our real estate agent wasn't telling us the true picture and so when he phoned to tell us someone had made a cash offer (£13k below what we were asking) but that they could complete in a fortnight, our initial thought was no. However, we had seen a boat - Gracie- she had a licence and was sound and so we went to see her.

Needless to say,

we fell in love and the contract was sealed with a handshake and Gracie was ours (subject to payment). We then agreed the price with the buyer and completed the sale pack.
However, we said we needed to complete within two weeks (as per original offer) - the buyers solicitors said they couldn't omplete by Monday 25th; however, we know the buyer needs to complete and so am applying that pressure so we should be on board on Wednesday 27th March